The first (not in order of pictures below) would be our glove idea. We were thinking something that would be fashionable yet still provide the functionality of being a cyclist. A cycler needs to be seen at night and the more reflective gear and lights you have, the better. We were playing around with a solar idea, which was in our impractical idea but still interesting to think about. From there we were thinking about different cool ways in which we could incorporate visibility into these gloves. Also we designed this longer looking glove to resemble the the opera glove but in a weather gear sense. We are still trying to pick the best options for the functionality of the glove.
Second, we are working on a rain coat for women cyclist. This rain coat again must incorporate visibility for the cycler as well has providing a water proof or resistant function. We are trying to decide what works best for looks as well as function. We were playing around with the idea of it some how covering your upper let. We are looking at the issue of movability in the raincoat while on the bike. A fitted hood is an idea that we thought would be useful for cyclist since wearing a regular hood as it is blocks your peripherals. Something we think is cool for this type of fashion is hiding the fact that your wearing cycle gear. Like on the rain coat we are thinking of making the reflective material unzip out of the sleeve.
Next we are working on a larger bag. Something that could fit a woman's entire day, or at least most of her needs into this bag. The bag would be a purse that transitioned into a messenger bag. This function is still not completely worked out but we have been playing with a few ideas. Maybe the whole strap for the messenger style comes off and you use the handles of the purse. Or maybe the strap for the messenger looks good both across the chest as it does thrown over your shoulder. Along with this larger bag idea we are thinking of incorporating some type of easy detachable smaller bag, maybe a clutch or a tool kit. This way your essentials are easy accessible for you to do quick choirs with out you having to rummage through the larger bag.
One last idea that we were playing around with was this idea of a shoe cover. Something that would fit around a woman's high heel maybe. The idea seems like a plausible one but we think that the aesthetics of it might not make this work.

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